Sunday 27 July 2014


In case you didn't realise clive barker is the mastermind behind hell raiser which summed up in a few buzz words would be flesh, pvc, blood, suffering and satan. i know there was also a game that came before this which i never played but I'm guessing like this it can be summed up in those buzz words.

The plot is basically a team of demon hunters go demon hunting. its a fairly simple premise but you have to hand it to clive barker. the man knows how to pull it off to a certain degree. the whole tone of the game follows flesh blood and guts everywhere and you just have to accept that. if not just turn it off or not buy it in the first place. i was a bit disappointed with the ending which basically consisted of ohlookhalfyourteamaredeadbettertryandavengethembykilligthisassholebossohheisdyingthebadguyisnowagoodguyandyouescapingtheend.

One thing that i was very shocked about was the graphics. they were really good considering when this game was realised. i found myself at times just looking at the creatures and environments and enjoying the look of it all.

I don't know how much influence clive barker had or who came up with the idea but i cannot think of a game apart from this one that actually explained why you can switch characters in squad based games. its quite cleverly done so that it feels natural and makes sense and i take my hat off to that fact. gameplay in general is pretty slick and very well thought out. you can tell that this is not a cop out just cashing in on the clive barker name. which if I'm 100% honest was what i was expecting.

The different creatures are exactly what you would expect from clive barker. twisted creatures that look to be constantly in pain. they do however look pretty cool and considering when it was realised not too blocky which if they weren't trying to hack my face off and wash themselves with my rotting flesh i would stand there and admire the detail in these monstrosities. 

I find the achievements in this game to be a massive pain. unless you play on hard you get less than 100 gamerscore. its terrible. might as well just cut my hands off now and save me the trouble of attempting to get anywhere close to half the achievements.

If you like horror there is a chance you will like this but you would be better off playing dead space or silent hill or resident evil or  splatter house or alan wake or fear or condemned….you get my point. if you feel that you have played ever horror game out their and ant more this a must as it has its moments but their are far better out there.

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