Wednesday 4 June 2014


So for those of you who are not familiar this is a game about a witch who has been in a coffin for years then wakes from a 500 year slumber to kick ass and remember her past. The weirdest thing about the plot for me is pretty much all of it. The amnesia thing has been done in games and films time and time again, its a tired idea that reeks of laziness. Instead of creating an origin for a character you just jump in with the character being pretty established with no actually conviction. You learn nothing of their past just a segment from before they lost their memory. 

Secondly i got a bit lost in the middle of it and i think i must have switched off. which to me means that its not very engaging part way through. also whats with games these days just throwing pixelated partial nudity at us like we want to see that." oh it looks so real, you could almost believe its a real woman" i find it an insult as if game producers think that cause we play games we are nerds and cause we are nerds we have never seen a naked woman and would therefore buy this game to see a bit of cleavage.

The graphics are really good in my opinion. Everything looks like it should and you can't really grumble at it especially for the time it was made. Also i had no real problems with glitches or anything like that although that could be as patches might have sorted that out.

Gameplay is very devil may cry 4 even to the point of having a huge floating ligament that appears when you are pulling off a combo. It has a few extra tweaks to compensate for the fact that she is a witch but not enough to disguise it as anything other than a cheap imitation. Which i guess you don't break a good thing. 

Difficulty was down the middle really, I played on easy cause i like to get stuck into the story at first then play harder later on and found it a bit of a challenge. However I'm sure some would find it too easy but thats what the harder difficulties are for. The torture moves were kind of cool but when your thrown into the fray with a massive group of enemies it feels like you have to slow down the battle to tap one button forever until the poor bugger inside whichever contraption he is in dies a horrible death. 

Also there is a stupid mini game called angel attack that you have to play after every chapter in which you are basically in a shooting gallery. You can collect extra bullets in the main game to then use but its not worth the effort half the time. Its a break from the main game but still completely pointless and not much fun.

Achievements are pretty down the middle too in that some a s way too easy and others are really difficult. It also feels like the achievements are used to try and increase gameplay length which i am not against but it feels a bit lazy as well.

The music was annoying to say the least having one song play every time there is a fight scene is once again very lazy and you can't help but turn off the volume after about 3 hours of gameplay cause its so annoying. It doesn't even make you feel like you want to fight anything cause its such a lovey dovey song that it belongs somewhere else not in a hack and slash game.

Overall its a good game if you want to waste a few hours and you can find it for under a tenner. If i had a choice i would buy devil may cry hd collection as its a million times better, i mean for some people its probably really good but in my opinion i don't think i will be revisiting it anytime soon.

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