Monday 14 July 2014


The club was one of the first xbox games around and it can now be found in bargain bins in most computer game shops. i never would have bought this on my own merit. it was bought for me years ago and i have only just got round to playing it. so just keep in mind that I'm going into this expecting rubbish.

The plot is explained in one very short cutscene. which is a bunch of people join this thing called the club where you compete with each other are killing. the origins of the characters is actually better expained in the bio of the manual. which is bad for a game. i don't want to read the manual to become connected to a character.

The graphics in this is pretty good for its time. there is nothing amazing but its not terrible either. glitches were pretty much non existent. 

Gameplay is fairly simple which is run around and shoot people. they have separate types of level like sprint and survival. but its all pretty much just run and shoot. their are two unlockable characters.  the worst part about this is all the characters are pretty lame apart from nemo who can only be unlocked after you complete the game. the rest of it is just rinse and repeat. which is very lazy.  After a while i just played some music whilst playing and it made it a lot more tolerable. 

The achievements are boring. but you have to remember that this was an early xbox 360 game. so at this point nobody really knew what to do with them. so it sucks but they are forgiven in my books.

All i can say about this game is that it was an early game and it shows. if you want one of the early games cheap just go for gears of war. its close to the same but as we all know they came out about the same time but gears of war has had 3 sequels so far. the club has not. if you have nothing else to do and the shop is begging you to take it then smile and play it with some music. it might grow on you. 

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