Sunday 13 July 2014


I remember playing the original rayman for ps1 years ago. it was the best game in some time in my opinion. it was familiar enough to play it but the graphics were so much better than most games of the time. also one of the last that was 2D. i also played rayman origins which i was really happy with. mainly cause it stopped messing round with the rabbids and made a serious game true to the original.

The story is basically rayman went back to sleep and the nightmares took the opportunity to spread and thus rayman is back where he started. the lesson here is don't get lazy. its not exactly an amazing story but its not supposed to be. after all its for kids. plus its gets straight into gameplay which is what you want from a game.

Graphics are really good. i mean they really suit the mood of the game and its almost like watching a cartoon which is really good. however compared to origins their is no improvement from what i can see. 

Gameplay is the exact same as origins with one major and very annoying difference. Murfy is a very annoying idiot who is controlled by one button and does various things. however it barely works. so many times your on a level murfy turns up and you know your in trouble. you need him to pull a leaver, you press the button, then nothing happens and you die whilst murfy is stood there with a smile on his face. it has now become a part of the game where every time you see him appear you shout at the screen. 

The rest of the game however is awesome. if you like mario you will like this. the one part that was a bit annoying was back to the origins. i played origins and completed it 100%. so this part was just repeating what i already did. however if you never played origins this would be good.also my favourite levels are the musical ones. these are pure genius and i was upset that there wasn't more. they basically consist of you listening to a tune and jumping in time to the music. they are really fun.

99% of the achievements are easy to get however there are two that just take forever. i completed this game a month ago and I only just got the one for getting 1 million lums. the other is by collecting trophies. now when you complete the game you will still need about 2,000 points from trophies and half a million lums. the trophies are collected through daily and weekly challenges and there are only two of each. and gold is only worth 10.  I'm sure you can do the math. if this was shorter it would make it more fun. but now its getting beyond a joke.

Overall i loved this game and until i completed the game i really enjoyed it however that was a month ago and after doing two daily challenges and getting gold everyday is getting really tedious. so if your not a completionist like me buy it. if you want to complete it 100% prepare to go from loving this game to hating it.

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