Tuesday 24 June 2014


I honestly thought about not bothering with a review of this game as its not really worth talking about, but in the brief time that i was on this game it made me so angry that i felt i needed to vent. so read it or not its up to you. You could make a drinking game out of it. every time i complain about something DRINK. i guarantee you won't be sober by the end

I can't really start to talk about crackdown 2 without a mention of crackdown 1, the original was basically a glorified beta for the second, however after playing both of them i would would disagree as they are both as poorly built as each other.

The plot is pretty much non existent, they quite literally say here are the controls you ready, okay go have fun. and then boot you out the door to fight through hordes of zombies, they basically said you remember that bit in the first one where there were suddenly zombies….people love zombies just do that for the entire game. 

I love zombie games and i love just running into a horde and destroying a butt load of enemies. i mean who doesn't but you need a decent plot to tie it in. i know left 4 dead which is one of my favourite games does the same but it still has plot. (4 survivors trying to escape, simple but effective) this however says ZOMBIES and thats it.

The length of the game is a joke. i completed the "plot" in literally less than two hours and was then left wondering what just happened. did i play a demo. however if you do the usual sandbox thing of collecting everything and doing races etc you can stretch it out to probably double that. but thats still a joke for gameplay length.

The gameplay is fairly simple and it has an interesting upgrade mechanic where as you use the abilities like shooting, sprinting, driving and explosives it upgrades which i really liked but the game needs length in order to justify the upgrades. i barely upgraded my character before i stumbled onto the ending. which also sucks worse than the popular girl at prom night. 

The graphics are pretty standard and i didn't suffer from glitches which was good. blowing stuff up looks pretty cool. the multiplayer was a pain. i played this mode for about an hour and it was annoying. the main mission can be completed by others without you saying anything. have the game was done before i even realised what they were doing. and they were all fully upgraded so they were jumping building whilst i was stuck behind a dumpster. then they decided to gang up on me and kill me over and over for no reason until i left. what kind of moron came up with this stupid idea of multiplayer. a five year old could come up with a better idea.

The achievements are down the middle, they feel added just to extend gameplay. which frustratees me. you really have to stick around and grind your way through this game just to get close to half the achievements which considering how little there is in variety can be a bore. which a game shouldn't be.

Overall this game is cheap. you can pick it up for about £5 and to be honest thats a bit much for what you get. I'm glad i never paid full price for this as i would die a little inside. i will be interested to see what they do with the new one which has just been announced. the main thing that will stick in my mind is just like many films out their. you can't just say oh look zombies and expect people to love it. I'm a major zombie fan but constantly get insulted with peoples ideas on what makes decent zombie media. for every good piece there are 20 terrible ones and this is one. now excuse me while i go listen to heavy music and punch stuff.

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